Build a strong lifestyle through fitness training
Potent Group Strength
Potent Block Training
Potent Private Training
Potent Pre-Curated 20 Week Marathon Program
I must say the exercise is working! I don't feel tightness deep in the right hamstring anymore. I used to feel I needed someone to dig deep in the hammy to release. Also I mentioned before my right proximal hamstring tendon is always irritated after hard workouts but not anymore! I can swing front high to touch my toes in standing. I couldn't do this before, I always felt pulling at sit bone.
Andy Wegman has been my strength coach for more than two years, he is an absolute dream to work with. I am stronger, more efficient and faster runner because of working with Andy. Since training with Andy I have felt better going up hills and have a stronger finishing kick than ever before. Any runner who isn't incorporating strength into the routine is silly, doing it with Andy by your side will make you a stronger and smarter runner.
Last weekend I volunteered at a local race, bag check, standing for 5 hours and noticed I didn't feel any back pain! I used to feel like I need to stretch my back or sit to rest during long periods of standing or walking around. I believe the exercise really help me! The proximal hammy tendon has 99% healed after more than a few years of nagging. The exercise is amazing and I love it!